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SR&ED Policy Review – Public Consultations Phase 4

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CRA SR&ED public policy consultation
SR&ED Policy Public Consultations Policy Review- Voice Your Opinion

On September 22, 2011, the CRA opened Phase 4 of their SR&ED policy review project. The CRA is now accepting public feedback, so don’t miss the chance to impact the direction of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development program. The following SR&ED draft documents have been posted for feedback on the CRA web site:

Submitting Your SR&ED Policy Review Feedback

Please note that the deadline for feedback submission is November 5, 2011, and that the CRA is looking for suggestions on the clarity, readability, and completeness of these draft policies.

Comments can be sent via email to SRED_Policy-Politiques_RSDE@cra-arc.gc.ca

For more information on SR&ED policy reviews, visit the CRA’s SR&ED website directly, learn about past SR&ED policy review public consultations, or find out how you can ensure that your opinions on the SR&ED program are heard.

Please don’t miss this opportunity for your voice to be heard about the SR&ED program, chances like this do not come around every year. Let the CRA know your thoughts on these policies as they impact your SR&ED investment tax credit claim.

*** This information is presented for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should retain legal counsel if you require legal advice regarding your individual tax situation. *** 

Have questions about SR&ED policies under review? Contact a professional.

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