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Breaking News: The CRA Speaks About Their New Services

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The CRA has spoken on the new services they're offering: the SALT and the FTCAS.

The CRA has spoken on the new services they’re offering: the SALT and the FTCAS.


In 2014, the  Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rolled out new Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) services: the Self-Assessment and Learning Tool (SALT) 1 and the First-Time Claimant Advisory Service (FTCAS).2

Today, the CRA sent out a press release called “Canada Revenue Agency Supports Business Innovation With New SR&ED Tools and Services” 3 officially announcing the news. Read the release below for a description of the new programs straight from the CRA.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is enhancing the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program with the launch of the Self-Assessment Learning Tool (SALT) and the First-Time Claimant Advisory Service (FTCAS).

As part of Red Tape Reduction Commission (RTRC) consultations, stakeholders have asked the CRA to improve SR&ED services. Economic Action Plans 2012 and 2013 announced several measures to enhance the predictability of claimants receiving the SR&ED tax incentives and the fiscal integrity of the program. As part of these measures, the CRA is pleased to announce the official launch of SALT and FTCAS.

SALT is an online tool that helps businesses conducting research and development to find out if they may be eligible to receive SR&ED tax incentives. Through specific questions, answers, and examples, SALT helps business owners understand the SR&ED program’s eligibility requirements and offers information and tips to help them prepare their SR&ED claims.

FTCAS is a free, in-person service for first-time SR&ED claimants. Local CRA staff with extensive knowledge of the SR&ED program will meet with first-time claimants, at their place of business, to help them get a better understanding of the SR&ED program, and provide them with tailored information for their business on work that may be eligible, as well as expenditures and documentation requirements.

The goal of these new initiatives is to help SR&ED claimants more easily access the SR&ED program and benefit from the incentives it offers. Well-informed claimants will be better equipped to avoid future complications when making a claim, thereby reducing the administrative burden and processing delays while increasing the chances of a successful claim if requirements are met. Through these initiatives, the CRA continues to reduce the administrative burden for small and medium sized businesses in Canada, leaving them more time to create jobs and grow Canada’s economy.

Quick Facts

  • The SR&ED program is the single largest federal tax incentive program that supports business research and development.
  • The SR&ED program provided over $3.6 billion in tax assistance to over 23,000 claimants in 2012 alone.
  • SALT includes clear explanations of key concepts and tips on how to effectively structure an SR&ED claim submission.
  • FTCAS focuses on informing claimants about the eligibility of work and expenditures and document requirements and on increasing the success of future claims.
  • SALT and FTCAS address calls from small businesses to reduce the red tape burden that results from federal government rules and regulations.

Press release courtesy of the Digital Journal.4

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Show 4 footnotes

  1. Canada Revenue Agency. (May 18, 2016.) SR&ED Self-Assessment and Learning Tool. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/scientific-research-experimental-development-tax-incentive-program/self-assessment-learning-tool.html.
  2. Canada Revenue Agency. (2016 June 30.) First-Time Claimant Advisory Service (FTCAS). Retrieved from: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/txcrdt/sred-rsde/ftcs-eng.html.
  3. Canada Revenue Agency. (February 6, 2014.) Canada Revenue Agency Supports Business Innovation With New SR&ED Tools and Services. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/02/canada-revenue-agency-supports-business-innovation-new-sr-ed-tools-services.html.
  4. Canada Revenue Agency. (February 6, 2014.) Canada Revenue Agency Supports Business Innovation With New SR&ED Tools and Services. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/02/canada-revenue-agency-supports-business-innovation-new-sr-ed-tools-services.html.

Elizabeth Lance

Elizabeth has been involved in the SR&ED program for over 15 years. The founder and primary researcher for this website, she has unparalleled knowledge about the history and nuances of the program. Her favourite sentence (which she hears regularly) is "Accepted as Filed". Find out more about her on LinkedIn.