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CRA SR&ED Offices – Who To Call For Updates


CRA SR&ED Offices - Who To Call For Updates
CRA SR&ED Offices – Who To Call For Updates Do you know who can answer your SR&ED questions?

One of the questions that are frequently asked is “who can I call for updates”? In this short article, we will discuss who to call – and who not to call – in order to check on the status of your application.

Who should I call?

This is a valid question and the answer can be confusing. Many individuals mistakenly call the general small business helpline, but these individuals are not trained to discuss SR&ED. Further, they often have limited insight into the status of an SR&ED application – particularly if it is under review.

The best approach for getting an update on the status of your SR&ED application is to contact the SR&ED office directly.

Why is it important to call the SR&ED office directly?

There are a number of reasons it can be helpful to call the SR&ED office directly.

  • To check if your claim has been received. If you are close to the 18-month deadline, you will want to confirm receipt. It is not unheard of for files to be misplaced. It is better to find out if this has happened sooner rather than later so you can take the appropriate steps to rectify the issue, if necessary.
  • To provide missing information. Sometimes a file is delayed due to a minor administrative item that can be corrected over the phone. Proactively calling can help address these issues.
  • To see if your claim has been selected for review, but you have not yet been notified. The individual on the phone will be able to see if your application has been assigned to a reviewer, even if you have not yet received a formal message notifying you of a review.

Our List of SR&ED Offices by Province

No matter if you’re in Nova Scotia or Nunavut, there is an office you can turn to for assistance – but the office that is in charge of your file may not be obvious. For some regions, entire provinces are covered by a single office. For Ontario, it is split into both regions and cities – and that divide may not be intuitive. To help make it easier to locate the office you should contact, we have created the following table. Best of all, you can click the number in order to contact them directly.

ProvinceCity or Region
(if applicable)
OfficeMailing AddressPhone/FaxHours
AlbertaAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
British ColumbiaAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
ManitobaAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
New BrunswickAll regionsNova Scotia Tax Services Office
100 - 145 Hobsons Lake Drive
PO Box 638
Halifax, NS B3J 2T5
Tel: 1-866-433-5986
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
Newfoundland and LabradorAll regionsNova Scotia Tax Services Office
100 - 145 Hobsons Lake Drive
PO Box 638
Halifax, NS B3J 2T5
Tel: 1-866-433-5986
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
Northwest TerritoriesAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
Nova ScotiaAll regionsNova Scotia Tax Services Office
100 - 145 Hobsons Lake Drive
PO Box 638
Halifax, NS B3J 2T5
Tel: 1-866-433-5986
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
NunavutAll regionsNorthern Ontario Tax Services Office5001 Yonge Street
North York, ON M2N 6R9
Tel: 1-833-446-0934
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 7:30 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
OntarioAll regionsNorthern Ontario Tax Services Office5001 Yonge Street
North York, ON M2N 6R9
Tel: 1-833-446-0934
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 7:30 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
PEIAll regionsNova Scotia Tax Services Office
100 - 145 Hobsons Lake Drive
PO Box 638
Halifax, NS B3J 2T5
Tel: 1-866-433-5986
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 5 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
QuebecAll regionsWestern Quebec Tax Services Office3400 Jean Béraud Ave
Laval, QC H7T 2Z2
Tel: 1-888-784-8709
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
SaskatchewanAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
YukonAll regionsFraser Valley and Interior Tax Services Office9755 King George Blvd,
Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5E1
Tel: 1-866-578-4538
Fax: 418-556-1825
Monday-Friday - 8 am to 4 pm (local time)
Saturday and Sunday - Closed

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