CRA Redesigned Website for SR&ED Program (2015)
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On April 7th, 2015, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) introduced a newly redesigned website for the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit. The CRA’s SR&ED website is available here. The CRA SR&ED Website Update was an important step in clarifying the program details:
Our redesigned homepage gives you easy access to more information about the SR&ED Program. Two new webpages are also available: the Claiming SR&ED tax incentives webpage provides information and links that are helpful for first-time claimants; and the Evolution of the SR&ED Program – a historical perspective webpage offers an overview of how the SR&ED Program has evolved over the years.1
Notably, the new “Claiming SR&ED Tax Incentives” page offers a brief explanation of various aspects of the SR&ED program, including benefits of the program, key eligibility and documentation requirements, and information about how claims are processed. This information, presented in a single page using accessible language, is an excellent resource for new SR&ED claimants.
To learn more about the SR&ED program, please visit our history pages.