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LinkedIn’s Largest SR&ED Group has a New Manager

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 LinkedIN SR&ED Group

If you’re an active member of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) community, chances are you follow or contribute to SR&ED-related discussions on various SR&ED LinkedIn groups. Furthermore, you likely know that the SR&ED Canada LinkedIn group is one of the more active and well-respected SR&ED tax incentive groups on the website.

A while ago, the group founder Myke Wilder (an experienced SR&ED, PR, and languages consultant) reached out to Elizabeth Lance to see if she would be interested in helping manage the group. Over the last few years, he had grown it considerably and was looking for an active contributor who was committed to moderating useful conversations about SR&ED. In short, he was looking for “capable hands” to keep this project going and Elizabeth quietly stepped up to the plate earlier this summer. She has been quietly ensuring that posts go in the right section and new members are approved since that time.

Highlights from the SR&ED Canada LinkedIn Group

With over 1,600 members, this group is the largest SR&ED-related group on LinkedIn. Given that the group is closed (therefore requiring that members request approval to join from the group manager), members feel free to offer up candid glimpses into the world of SR&ED, posing questions or offering advice based on their firsthand experience. The group’s goals are as follows:

This group has been established to allow professionals and companies who wish to apply for SR&ED support a forum for discussing issues, and to connect with professionals who can assist in their claims.

Here are a few examples of current discussion topics/questions in the group:

  • What does the law say about recording SR&ED meetings with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)?
  • Is the CRA reviewing and re-opening claims that were previously accepted-as-filed?
  • Advice on proving technological advancement, etc.

If you are not already a member of the SR&ED Canada LinkedIn group, send a membership request today and get all the benefits of insider knowledge. And don’t forget to keep checking in with and the SREDucation LinkedIn group for more SR&ED insights, tips, and advice from experienced SR&ED experts.

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