SR&ED Legislative Changes – Budget 2012
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One of the great confusions regarding SR&ED is how it can be changed. In order to change the program, the legislation needs to be modified. In the 2012 Federal Budget, announced today, the following proposed changes have been put forward in Appendix 4 (starting on page 457):
You can read an explanation, in layman’s terms, of all of these changes in our post here.
Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program
(20) That,
(a) for taxation years that end after 2013, the reference to “20%” in paragraph (a.1) of the definition “investment tax credit” in
subsection 127(9) of the Act be replaced with “15%”, except that for taxation years that include January 1, 2014, it shall be read as a reference
to the percentage that is the total of
(i) 20% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and before 2014 is of the number of days in the
taxation year, and
(ii) 15% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and after 2013 is of the number of days in the
taxation year;
(b) for taxation years that end after 2013, the reference to “15%” in subsection 127(10.1) of the Act be replaced with “20%”, except that for taxation years that include January 1, 2014, it shall be read as a reference to the percentage that is the total of
(i) 15% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and before 2014 is of the number of days in the
taxation year, and
(ii) 20% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and after 2013 is of the number of days in the
taxation year;
(c) for expenditures incurred after 2012, subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition “qualified expenditure” in subsection 127(9) of the Act be
amended to include only 80% of an expenditure that
(i) would otherwise be included under that subparagraph,
(ii) is for scientific research and experimental development performed for or on behalf of the taxpayer by another person or partnership
with whom the taxpayer deals at arm’s length, and
(iii) has been reduced to exclude any amount of a capital nature incurred by the other person or partnership in the performance of
the scientific research and experimental development;
(d) the percentage at which the prescribed proxy amount, for a taxation year, referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition “qualified
expenditure” in subsection 127(9) of the Act is calculated be, for taxation years that end after 2012, the percentage that is the total of
(i) 65% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and before 2013 is of the number of days in the
taxation year,
(ii) 60% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and in 2013 is of the number of days in the
taxation year, and
(iii) 55% multiplied by the proportion that the number of days that are in the taxation year and after 2013 is of the number of days in the
taxation year;
(e) for expenditures made by a taxpayer after 2013,
(i) section 37 of the Act be amended to exclude an expenditure in respect of the use or the right to use property that would, if it were
acquired by the taxpayer, be capital property of the taxpayer,
(ii) paragraph 37(1)(b) of the Act be repealed,
(iii) subparagraphs (a)(i) and (iii) of the definition “qualified expenditure” in subsection 127(9) of the Act be repealed, and
(iv) section 127 of the Act be amended to exclude from the SR&ED qualified expenditure pool an expenditure in respect of the use or the
right to use property that would, if it were acquired by the taxpayer, be capital property of the taxpayer.
(21) That such other amendments to the Act be made as are necessary to give effect to the proposals relating to scientific research and experimental development described in the budget documents tabled by the Minister of Finance in the House of Commons on Budget Day.
These changes will have a significant impact on many businesses. What are your thoughts? Will they help or hinder innovation?
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