SR&ED Program Updates: October-December 2021

This post outlines Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program updates from October-December 2021, including administrative, policy, tax law, and court cases. With Covid-19 continuing to affect the country’s focus and atmosphere, SREDucation has been busy keeping our readers up to date. We have identified some key trends to watch in the SR&ED environment.
On November 16, 2021, we celebrated the success of our own SR&ED Education and Resources founder, Elizabeth Lance, in our 2021 Influential Businesswomen Awards article. In this article, we detailed the Acquisition International Businesswoman Awards for which Elizabeth has been recognized as, and awarded, the ‘SR&ED Champion of the Year’. Elizabeth’s interview can be read in the Acquisition International 2021 Winners Booklet.
SR&ED Policy and Program Updates
Throughout October-December of 2021, there were no new SR&ED Policy or Program changes. The CRA posts any changes and updates within the SR&ED program by order of date to the What’s new – SR&ED Program page. This page is an important source of information for SR&ED taxpayers.
SR&ED Education and Resources Articles
SR&ED Education and Resources spent the months of October-December 2021 exploring how SR&ED consultants may be of assistance during the SR&ED process, and examining a pertinent SR&ED related legal ruling, in the hopes of further illuminating the world of SR&ED.
- First, on October 12, 2021, we educated our readers on how SR&ED consultants may assist taxpayers to minimize their risks of audit and maximize their returns in Why you should use a SR&ED Consultant.
- On December 7, 2021, we analyzed the key lessons and takeaways of the Allegro Wireless Canada Inc. vs. The Queen (2021) case for our readers in our article Allegro Wireless Canada Inc. V. The Queen: Expert Witnesses and SR&ED legal ruling. This legal ruling contained important lessons for taxpayers about the importance of expert witnesses during SR&ED legal proceedings.
T661 Guidance
We did not publish any articles regarding the T661 – Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Expenditures Claim Form from October-December 2021. Keep an eye on our posts as we enter the new year. We will continue to delve into topics of interest and demystify the SR&ED application process for prospective claimants.
Administrative, Policy, and Legislative
The fourth quarter of 2021 was quiet with no SR&ED news or information updates from the CRA.
Judicial Proceedings
The fourth quarter of 2021 was also quiet in terms of judicial proceedings. The TCC released one legal ruling. We did not analyze any SR&ED court rulings in this quarter due to time constraints but plan to review more in the next quarter.
Summary of SR&ED Updates
SR&ED program updates from October-December 2021 were quiet as the country dealt with the pandemic and resuming operations. As in the prior three months, SR&ED Education and Resources continued our educational mandate, writing two more informative blog posts. Check back for more updates as we enter the new year.