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SR&ED Report: Plastics Materials, Processing, Equipment & Tool Making Case Studies (2005)

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In a 2005, in a document entitled Plastics Materials, Processing, Equipment & Tool Making Case Studies, by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) presented 18 case studies that elaborated on SR&ED tax credit eligibility in the plastics industry. The examples described each aspect of the SR&ED project and provided commentary on what made them eligible or ineligible.

SR&ED Examples in the Plastics Industry

The document contained case studies that covered a wide range of plastics-related topics, including in-line compounding, dual injection, cast figurines, and more.

Each example was broken down into three sections:

  1. Background, which explained the business context of the SR&ED project;
  2. Project description, which described the purpose, technological advancements sought, technological uncertainty, and work performed; and
  3. Comments, which gave an in-depth description of the project’s eligibility factors.

SR&ED Conclusions

Plastics Materials, Processing, Equipment & Tool Making Case Studies was a thorough, industry-specific text that gave a substantial amount of important information to plastics companies looking to claim SR&ED.

This is similar to the type of industry focus presented at the CRA Software Seminars or, more recently, in the eligibility examples posted to the CRA website in 2013. We may expect to see more of these documents in the future as the CRA continues to implement its mandate of educating claimants on how to get the most out of the SR&ED tax credit.

This article is based on a CRA policy document at the time: Plastics Materials, Processing, Equipment & Tool Making Case Studies (2005) 1

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Show 1 footnote

  1. Canada Revenue Agency. (August 2006.) PLASTICS MATERIALS, PROCESSING, EQUIPMENT & TOOL MAKING CASE STUDIES. Retrieved from: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/txcrdt/sred-rsde/pblctns/plstcs_x-eng.pdf.

Elizabeth Lance

Elizabeth has been involved in the SR&ED program for over 15 years. The founder and primary researcher for this website, she has unparalleled knowledge about the history and nuances of the program. Her favourite sentence (which she hears regularly) is "Accepted as Filed". Find out more about her on LinkedIn.