Policy & Government RelationsSR&ED Basics

SREDucation on Social Media – LinkedIn! Facebook and Twitter

SREDucation on Social Media - LinkedIn! Facebook and Twitter

SREDucation.ca is on social media updating you on SR&ED on LinkedIn®, Facebook®, and Twitter®.

We have launched SR&ED Education and Resources on social media platforms. You can find us on LinkedIn®, Facebook®, and Twitter® where anyone (SR&ED experts and newbies alike) can join, ask questions and get answers.  We love hearing from our readers.

We encourage open, thoughtful discussion on tax credits. We believe that, regardless of the level of experience, everyone should be able to apply to these programs by accessing plain-language information on SR&ED and other tax credits.

Links to recent and relevant blog posts are shared on these pages as well, feel free to share with your social media followers if you desire! We are happy to share our knowledge on as many platforms as we are able.

We also encourage our readers to reach out to us about SR&ED, how we may be of assistance, or with blog post ideas on social media or via the contact form on our website.  We always respond in a timely manner, we are here for you.

SR&ED and Education Social Media Links

Share your thoughts, ask a question and invite others to join. All are welcome, so we hope to see you posting on the discussion boards soon!

The SREDucators

Have questions about SR&ED policies under review? Join us on social media and add to the conversation!

Connect With Us! 

Share your thoughts by commenting below or joining the conversation on our LinkedIn page, Facebook page, or via Twitter. 

Elizabeth Lance

Elizabeth has been involved in the SR&ED program for over 15 years. The founder and primary researcher for this website, she has unparalleled knowledge about the history and nuances of the program. Her favourite sentence (which she hears regularly) is "Accepted as Filed". Find out more about her on LinkedIn.